Friday, August 25, 2023

Happy National Knife Day!
Actually, yesterday was National Knife Day but
I missed it. *blush* But hey! Today is a great day
as well... so Happy National Knife Day!

For this year's celebration I am featuring a knife
that was given to us by a friend as a wedding present
a WAY long time ago. It is an Alaskan Ulu knife. I am
sure that you have seen an Ulu before in one form or

One side of the pamphlet that came with our Ulu.
It seems that quite a few folks used these Ulu
knives in their day to day food preparation.

The other side of the pamphlet.
This knife is pretty dang sharp. We never used it.
The blade is made of  "highly noncorrosive
stainless steel alloy". We will leave that there.

I am very happy to still have this Ulu knife after
all these years. It is not a knife that I would
have bought for myself.

National Knife Day.... HUZZAH!!!

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