Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Yep, I am trying to not collect stuff like this anymore
and for the most part I have been very successful at it.
But when I spotted this Friday the 13th Part 3 3D poster
box at Walmart, I knew I would KICK myself later if
I did not pick it up. I LOVE F13 and Part 3 is
my favorite of the series.

So I decided to use some of the birthday gift
money I had saved to buy it.

The box it comes in is actually very nice. It is collector
friendly as the front cover hinges open and closed
using a magnet. No ripping stuff apart.

This is the 3D box in the flesh. Now, do
I display it in the box? Or do I 86 the box
and hang the thing on the wall. Oh man. This
part is always difficult.

Walmart had other movie boxes as well. I remember seeing
boxes representing IT and Child's Play. There were probably
about four others, I cannot remember. The kind of tricky thing
with THIS box is that the blood you see dripping and pooling
there? The two little "blood" pieces come separately and it is
up to us to place them in the correct spots.

The bottom one was not too difficult, but the knife tip drip was
a bit of a bear. I had to use the tiniest bit of white glue to keep
it in place once I was able to get it into position.
You just gotta be prepared for that.

I really like this box. Not sorry I bought it.
 I mean, Part 3. That's my jam.

Look for 3DEEP VHS by Culturefly.

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