Sunday, October 22, 2017

"Sunduddy otened aw nah nowths."
"Sunduddy otened aw nah nowths."
"Sunduddy! otened! aw! nah! NOWTHS!"
Oh! Somebody opened all your mouths?!
"Ahh!" other news.

I also spotted these Friday the 13th patches at I think the
Spirit Store. I picked them up, then put them down,
then picked them up, then put them down, then picked
them up again and decided to carry them around a while
just in case I decided to buy them. It was the last one.

As you can see, I did buy them. Here is a closeup of the
little pin that was included. Not a great pin, but it's Camp
Crystal Lake, so it's good. My son told me once we left
the store that if I had put them back down, he was going to
sneak back around and buy them for me.
My kid is cool like that.

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