Wednesday, January 18, 2017

I was always planning on buying Rob Zombie's movie called
"31", and I was waiting until it came down in price a little as
the reviews were not stellar. The reviews were correct. Okay,
I like Rob, and I like his movies for the most part, but I am
going to finally put it out there... Rob, my man.... You have
GOT to stop casting your wife in leading roles in your movies.
It is not working. I like her, but she is not the right person for
every. single. role. Giving Sheri Moon a rest would be a start.

And again, I am not good at reviewing movies so I don't try,
and no spoilers here... so I will just say I rate "31" 4.5 out of 10
Carnival Workers. Worth a watch, if can do it for free.

 Cochise is still very happy here after I adopted him from abusers
at Big Lots some fourteen years ago. I love my Cochise.

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