Friday, October 13, 2023

!! Happy Friday the 13th of Spooktober 2023 !!
The Double Whammy!

It's your day, buddy!
Friday the 13th is a day of excitement here at The Ranch.
We love Camp Crystal Lake and Jason Voorhees.
Let's celebrate!

Check out this cool Friday the 13th graphic tee shirt
they have over at Party City. Yeah, we like this one.

After we don that great tee shirt we gotta have
the Camp Crystal Lake ball cap to top it off.

But wait! There's MORE! That's right!
We ain't leavin' The Ranch without our
Friday the 13th backpack as well!

I'm just kidding.

Wearing one of these items at a time = very cool.
Wearing all of these items together = very dorky.

Don't be a dork.
Jason don't like dorks.

Hey! How about a sign featuring Mr. Voorhees
appearance (from the neck up) from the F13 movies?
(Questionable accuracy but whatever!)
This sign might be in my future.

All of us here at The Ranch will be attending a
late night viewing of a Friday the 13th movie at
Borden Cinema and we hope that you all have
a great, fun and safe Spooktober
Friday the 13th as well!

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