Friday, January 5, 2024

My Birthday Extravaganza vacation continues!
I finally, FINALLY...

...found one of the belts I need over at
Boot Barn. It only took a year. Now I just need to
find the one I want for my job and I am good to
go. So far this day is productive.

Productive AND yummy. My first banana/banana
smoothie in 4 years as they finally reopened a
Surf City Squeeze at the mall.
Heaven, man. Heaven.

And what could THIS be? Could it be an annual
Star Wars figure purchase from Comics-N-Stuff to
add to the other birthday figures I have displayed
behind my television? I hope so!

And look what my son and my mom gave to me
for my birthday! SISU!


I'm excited.
This shows at Borden Cinema tonight!

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